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6 Treadmill Workouts that Aren't Running

6 Treadmill Workouts that Aren't Running

When you think of the treadmill (infamously known as the dreadmill), I’ll bet you automatically associate it with running.

I know running is good for you and all, but TBH, I often just find myself constantly checking the clock to see when my torture I mean jog will finally be over.

If you’re like me, the good news is there are plenty of ways to work out on a treadmill without having to do any running whatsoever.

Here are six creative treadmill workouts to spice up your cardio routine and guarantee you’ll never have to run again.

Find Out 6 Treadmill Workouts that Aren’t Running

1. Walking Lunges

The other day, I was doing walking lunges across my gym, and it was honestly a pretty pathetic sight.

Picture a profusely sweaty girl weaving through the cross-fitters and sharply swerving to avoid bumping into that oblivious dude who’s always glued to his phone.

Anyway, taking your lunges to the treadmill clears out all of those obstacles and allows you to focus on simply mastering your form and feeling the booty.


2. Side Shuffles

Side-shuffling is great for working the inner and outer thighs, glutes, and increasing strength, as well as flexibility.

You might get some weird looks from the girl on the machine next to you, but honestly, anything to avoid that routine run amirite?


3. Reverse Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are basically the push-up of the treadmill world, and they’re about as difficult as they sound.

You’ll probably miss running when you’re done with these bad boys or not, I don’t know your life.


Read more: http://elitedaily.com/wellness/treadmill-workouts-no-running/2021657/


Here’s a related video you can check out:



Here’s another set of exercises you can do on the treadmill that are not running: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/how-to/a38133/exercises-you-can-do-on-a-treadmill/