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10 Foods to Avoid to Get the Flat Belly You've Dreamed Of

10 Foods to Avoid to Get the Flat Belly You've Dreamed Of

We all want to have a flat stomach, but even with intensive workouts and dieting belly fat remains the most difficult kind to get rid of. The secret that will help you drop some pounds is avoiding certain foods.

You most likely know it already, but it won’t hurt going over it again: avoid junk food, fried foods, and ice cream. The more you get, the more you want to satisfy your ever-growing craving. If you’re seriously set on getting rid of belly fat, you really do have to kick the habit of drinking pop and store-bought juices. Even diet soda slows down your metabolism and makes your body store more fat. Speaking of drinks, you’ll also have to say no to alcohol. Some alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories, but it’s not just about the caloric content in certain drinks. Alcohol consumption itself increases your appetite and confuses the part of your brain that’s responsible for that full feeling in your stomach.

Buy 10 Foods to Avoid to Get the Flat Belly You’ve Dreamed Of

Along with sugar, salt should also be limited to small amounts, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure. Remember that one tablespoon of mayonnaise has about 100 calories.

Another food to avoid is chewing gum. When you chew gum, your brain and stomach get signals that prepare them for an incoming meal. This means that gum triggers the overproduction of stomach acid, which ends up making you feel hungry.