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2 Things You Can Do To Have A Better Workout Tomorrow

2 Things You Can Do To Have A Better Workout Tomorrow

We all want to keep on improving in doing our workout. We need all the help we can get and every little bit helps us increase our fitness level.

But what if you’ve tossed and turned all night? That groggy next-day feeling can lower your speed and reaction time and can even affect performance.

Research has found that sleep-deprived athletes may be negatively impacted in areas like strength and power. Do you know the easiest way to take your energy back? Well, there are simple habits that should be performed around bedtime to help take back your lost energy and power. So better take heed of these two to ensure that you have a better workout tomorrow.

Look At 2 Things You Can Do To Have A Better Workout Tomorrow | Fitness Secrets

1. Sip Smarter

Even slight dehydration can sap performance and make you tired and irritable, research suggests. Make sure you drink water before and after any workout that is less than 60 minutes.

“Anything longer, bring a bottle blended with electrolytes and carbs,” says certified strength and conditioning specialist Annie Dohack, a trainer at Complete Human Performance. “Sip it as you exercise, then finish it afterward.”



Two hours before bed, drink eight to 16 ounces of ice water, which will drop your core temperature, helping you fall asleep faster, while still giving you time to pee some of it out so you don’t awaken in the middle of the night.

2. Embrace the Bedtime Snack

If your weekly mileage increases but your food intake doesn’t follow suit, you’re going to peter out. In fact, that may be the top reason you feel exhausted, says Krista Scott-Dixon, Ph.D., a nutritionist at Precision Nutrition.

“People who don’t eat enough also report problems sleeping and waking up earlier than intended,” she says. “That’s because when your liver glycogen [a type of stored energy] is depleted, your adrenaline kicks in early, blasting you out of bed.”


Nosh on a snack—like carb- and protein-rich Greek yogurt sprinkled with whole grains—for sounder sleep, says Christopher Winter, M.D. “Just make sure you finish your snack at least two hours before bedtime,” he says. “Any closer and the food can cause indigestion that impairs sleep.”


Easy to remember, right? Sip smart and embrace the bedtime snack.


For more information, read the full article here: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/sleep-to-beat-fatigue


Here’s another resource you can look into: https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/8-ways-to-maximize-your-post-workout-recovery.html


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Ready to sip and snack for a better workout?