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5 Fitness Fears That Hold People Back From Achieving Their Goals

5 Fitness Fears That Hold People Back From Achieving Their Goals

It’s no secret that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle extend far beyond mere physical fitness. You’ve probably red countless articles online about how healthy eating and regular exercise can improve your mood, help you fight illness and increase your mental willpower. On top of that you have the improved self-esteem and confidence that come from taking the time to look after yourself physically. So you know that exercise and fitness are good things. But for some people knowing in your head that fitness is good and actually getting involved with it are two very different things. So what’s holding you back from getting started?

Find out 5 Fitness Fears That Hold People Back From Achieving Their Goals

Sometimes it’s fear that stops you throwing yourself into healthy living. Here are 5 of the most common fitness fears. As they say, knowing is half the battle.


#1 Not Having Time


If you asked 100 people what their reasons were for not spending more time on exercise and healthy living, this would almost certainly be the number one. “I just don’t have time for that in my busy lifestyle” or “between my job and the kids there’s just no time for exercise” and other variations might sound like valid excuses, but are they really?


#2 Self Consciousness

A big hurdle for some people to tackle before they get stuck in to fitness is self consciousness or fear of looking stupid. If you struggle with low self esteem, social anxiety or body image issues then heading down to the gym or going for a run round your neighbourhood can be an intimidating prospect.


#3 Not Getting Better

If you’re just starting out on a weight loss or fitness program it can seem like you have a real mountain to climb. You might feel like you’re surrounded by people with ideal bodies and be unable to see any way you can ever reach that level.


#4 Fear of Failure


A similar fear to not thinking you can change is not thinking you can change enough. You might have set yourself fitness goals and now find yourself reluctant to try and hit them for fear that you’ll fall short. Better to stay as you are than to give your all for something and still come up short.


#5 Fear of Change

A harder issue to spot could be that, deep down, you aren’t fully committed to change. You might think that fitness is a good idea, but find yourself dreading the effort involved, or just too comfy with your lifestyle as it is to really want to make the tough changes.



Most of these fears stem from a feeling of inadequacy- a fear that you won’t be good enough when compared to others or to some imagined ideal. If constant self-criticism or a highly negative view of yourself and the world are holding you back from fitness or any other area of life, expert help is always available. If you can recognize and overcome any of these five fears then you’re well on your way to reaping the benefits of a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.
Now that you know the kinds of fears that are most probably holding you back, you can now start acting on solutions. Head to this link to find out: http://fitnessinthecity.com.au/move/5-fitness-fears-holding-you-back-from-exercise-ways-to-overcome-them


Here’s another resource you can look into: http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2015/08/28/conquering-fitness-fears.aspx

Here’s a related video to help you further:

Are you ready to face your fitness fears now and overcome them?