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How to Design Your Own HIIT Workout

How to Design Your Own HIIT Workout

Science and experts alike say high-intensity interval workouts reign as fitness royalty. Touted as a top-notch method for weight loss, improving your VO2 max and even helping you run faster, it’s no wonder this approach to exercise holds such high wellness honors.

Of course, just like any workout you do over and over, the routine can get stale. That is, until you learn the foundation of HIIT workouts and then switch it up every time you go to break a sweat. Allow trainer Adam Rosante, creator of Two Week Transformation and author of Super Smoothie Revolution, to break down the basics so you can turn up the benefits.

How to Design Your Own HIIT Workout

HIIT Workout: What You Need to Make It Work

“The foundation [of HIIT] is a series of intervals of intense activity, coupled with intervals of less-intense activity or complete rest,” says Rosante. “Beyond buzz, it’s popularity can largely be attributed to its efficiency. HIIT’s a great way to get fit in a short amount of time. But the key is to ensure that the high-intensity intervals are truly performed at your highest intensity.”

How do you know if you’re HIIT-ing it hard enough? Rosante says to go at 80 to 95 percent of your maximum heart rate during the work intervals, and 60 to 65 percent during your rest periods. (To find your max heart rate, just subtract your age from 220. Then take the percentages from there.) If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, push hard enough through the work intervals that you’re sucking wind. You shouldn’t be able to hold a convo, Rosante says.



Choose Your Own HIIT Workout Adventure

Spike your heart rate, tone your body and break through plateaus with this HIIT formula from Rosante. Start with a goal intensity, then pick an option from each layer. No two workouts have to be the same — but you’ll get sweaty and fit with each round. We’ll call this one smash HIIT.

Choose Your Intensity

You want to give it your all but don’t give up on form. Aim for 80-95% of your max heart rate for the intense intervals.

Pick Your Total Time

How many minutes can you commit? You ca complete a solid HIIT workout anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.



Determine Your Work-to-Rest Ratio

If you’re a beginner or just don’t know where to start, here’s a natural way to progress and push your limits:

  • Week 1: 30 sec work / 60 sec rest
  • Week 2: 30 sec work / 45 sec rest
  • Week 3: 30 sec work / 30 sec rest
  • Week 4: 45 sec work / 30 sec rest

Don’t have enough time? Opt for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

Expert Tip: Use a timer with alerts so you don’t have to keep checking a clock.

Select Your Exercises

Any plyometric move will do.

Don’t forget a warm-up and cool-down.

Start with a few dynamic stretches and high jump. Cool down by static stretching each major muscle group.


For more details on how to design your own HIIT workout, read the full article here: http://dailyburn.com/life/fitness/hiit-workout-perfect-formula/


Here is another resource you can look into: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/11/beginner-hiit-workouts_n_6655926.html


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Are you now ready to design your own HIIT workout?